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Abortions shouldn’t be illegal because women should have the right to prevent having a child with birth defects (avoid transmitting STD’s), pregnancy resulting from rape and/or incest, and the inability to care for their child financially. Most babies develop normally and are born healthy. However, sometimes the baby does not develop normally Abortions should not be illegal because it’s the choice of the person who is carrying the fetus if they want to keep the fetus, and not someone else. Not everyone who gets pregnant is financially, mentally, stable or have the thought of having children. Other times, pregnancies can be an unfortunate surprise Hence, abortion should be illegal because it is not safe for the mother either. Religious Concerns Almost every religion contradicts the idea of forced and intended abortion. They believe profoundly in the fact that a baby is a living, breathing human once it is conceived
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Abortions should not be illegal because it’s the choice of the person who is carrying the fetus if they want to keep the fetus, and not someone else. Not everyone who gets pregnant is financially, mentally, stable or have the thought of having children. Other times, pregnancies can be an unfortunate surprise Abortions shouldn’t be illegal because women should have the right to prevent having a child with birth defects (avoid transmitting STD’s), pregnancy resulting from rape and/or incest, and the inability to care for their child financially. Most babies develop normally and are born healthy. However, sometimes the baby does not develop normally Abortions change women forever and not always for the best. The child has rights and by aborting you are taking the baby’s right of life. Affects and you are taking the baby’s right of life away, killing is never right under any circumstance,
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Abortions should not be illegal because it’s the choice of the person who is carrying the fetus if they want to keep the fetus, and not someone else. Not everyone who gets pregnant is financially, mentally, stable or have the thought of having children. Other times, pregnancies can be an unfortunate surprise 6- Making Abortion Illegal makes it more unsafe Abortion should be considered legal because banning it does not stop abortions from happening. It just makes them more dangerous. It just encourages illegal abortions. Making it legal allows the woman to discuss it openly before going ahead with the decision without the fear of being punished In cunclusion abortion should be banned becous it is murdering an incent life which has no voice or a way to defende her or his life. Abortion is also unconstitutional do to violating our 14th amendment which protects our right to live
Abortions should be illegal. Making abortion illegal could allow children to live a good life and to live with someone who would care and love them for the rest of their lives. Adoption is an option for mothers, even though they would have to go through the pregnancy; the unwanted child is given to someone who will love them unconditionally Abortions shouldn’t be illegal because women should have the right to prevent having a child with birth defects (avoid transmitting STD’s), pregnancy resulting from rape and/or incest, and the inability to care for their child financially. Most babies develop normally and are born healthy. However, sometimes the baby does not develop normally Abortions should not be illegal because it’s the choice of the person who is carrying the fetus if they want to keep the fetus, and not someone else. Not everyone who gets pregnant is financially, mentally, stable or have the thought of having children. Other times, pregnancies can be an unfortunate surprise
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In cunclusion abortion should be banned becous it is murdering an incent life which has no voice or a way to defende her or his life. Abortion is also unconstitutional do to violating our 14th amendment which protects our right to live Abortions shouldn’t be illegal because women should have the right to prevent having a child with birth defects (avoid transmitting STD’s), pregnancy resulting from rape and/or incest, and the inability to care for their child financially. Most babies develop normally and are born healthy. However, sometimes the baby does not develop normally Women should have a choice in abortions because it could increase illegal procedures, they could die from childbirth or by miscarrying, and foster care is already overly crowded. Women who are declined to get an abortion tend to do unsafe procedures. Around 7 million women are hospitalized after unsafe abortions
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